Micah schultz
Christ Church
Illinois State University
General Information:
Micah will join the Campus Outreach staff team at Illinois State University in the fall of 2025. Micah graduated from Bradley University with a degree in finance.
I grew up in a Christian home and professed faith at a young age but for most of my life I didn’t reflect what I claimed to be. God had a tiny sliver of my life but my identity was entirely in the praise of man, whether that was sports or grades. I looked at Jesus as a get out of hell free card, and I didn’t take sin seriously. God started changing my heart when I got involved in Campus Outreach at Bradley University. He revealed to me the severity of my sin, and I began to see for the first time that Jesus wasn’t just my Savior, He is also the Lord of my life.
I chose to come on staff because I want to be a vessel that God uses to lead young men to Christ. There is no better joy in life than seeing God’s saving grace change a heart of stone to a heart of flesh.
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To give via physical check, follow these steps:
Write the check out to “Campus Outreach”
Include the name of the staff/fund you are supporting in the Memo line
Mail the check to this address:
Campus Outreach
8607 IL-91
Peoria IL 61615
We will take it from there!